Compare baby formula to junk food or soda and you get screamed at. Some mothers don’t have the time, energy, or opportunity to breast feed! Ok… but does the alternative have to be shit?
I went on a deep-dive of baby formula last night:
These are all supposedly better formulations, but you can see that almost every single one contains sunflower or rapeseed oil. The mainstream ones are even worse and have high-fructose corn syrup.
The top three formulas on my chart are marked as “Toddler.” Infant and Toddler formulas are highly regulated but it’s easier to get Toddler formula approved. So a Toddler formula could be appropriate for infants but not be labeled as such.
Stamps-of-approval are detrimental if they’re not correct. Each product has to be approved. A better way would be to have the guidelines of what needs to be fulfilled and then compare the product against the guidelines. New products have a difficult and long road to approval and existing products remain popular even if they’re crap.
The best way to improve products is through consumer buying pressure and having products go through a regulatory agency prevents that.
Wait, is that your actual spreadsheet? lol
I love this deep dive. I was wondering where people have landed on the topic of baby formula being bad vs good -- I know there's some VERY strong feelings out there about this. Maybe your next move is to make a better alternative!