Before the mid-twentieth century, power was accumulated by expanding your borders. Now, the Overton Window has shifted and it’s frowned upon to invade your neighbors. But, back when this was acceptable, adding more territory brought more assets and placated the populace (the increased wealth flowed to the people, a form of the Cantillon Effect). A stronger military made it possible to subjugate other lands and higher populations made for stronger militaries. This is one reason why most religions encourage fecundity.
But the larger population can also destabilize so you need to keep focus on expansion. The story of the Byzantine general Belisarius is an example of the tightrope rulers walk. He was imprisoned because he was too effective in subjugating the empire’s enemies. The emperor feared he would become too popular and return to the capital to take power.
Now, it’s discouraged to overtly exert power over your neighbors. Power is applied indirectly. Since the populace’s energy can no longer be redirected toward foreign enemies, governments now discourage fertility to maintain internal control.
How about buying territories 🤣?