You need credibility to be considered an expert. Easiest way is to show receipts - That's why influencers post pics and indie hackers post revenue.
But happiness has no receipts.
Are you going to have a Continuous Cortisol Monitor? It's hard to show happiness instead of showing how much money you're spending.
But the pursuit of happiness is fundamental and we want to share what works for us.
I think this is why people post how often they meditate or how they deprive themselves, because these are tangible receipts and why would they do something painful unless it's "worth it" in some way.
Happiness for me comes from introspection. But you have to find your own path to happiness and it's hard to find a model because you don't know if anyone is actually happy or if their path is applicable for you.
Love this Chris. I think that putting ones own happiness above just about everything else is actually the opposite of selfish. It takes a lot of work to find what it is that makes you happy, then a lot more work to maintain that happiness. Striving for happiness makes me better in all areas of life, which is the main reason I think its unselfish. It seems obvious when put that way, but I see many people close to me that don't think about their happiness at all really, only that of others.
This post really resonates with me. My newsletter's all about finding happiness and meaning in life. I can't prove that I'm (reasonably) content with my life. Of course, my life's not perfect. But it's not dumpy either.
So, how do I show credibility? That's a challenge/question I still don't have an (good) answer for. I mean, sure, I tell personal stories. But, I feel like there must be another way. I haven't found it yet.
On the other hand, I'm like, "so be it." Because I feel like I also shouldn't have to care whether others find me credible or not. If I did, it would just make me miserable because I'd be hanging my happiness on what others think. I don't think that's a good idea, either.
So... I don't know... I do like trying to wrap my head around these paradoxes.
Excuse my rambling train of thought. 😅