Jan 3·edited Jan 3

Deferring to Bernard Mandeville whose opinion on selfishness supersedes mine (and precedes every other person’s):

“Fools only strive To make a Great an Honest Hive T’ enjoy the World’s Conveniencies, Be fam’d in War, yet live in Ease, Without great Vices, is a vain Eutopia seated in the Brain.“

— Bernard Mandeville (“The Grumbling Hive”, 1705)

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Jan 3·edited Jan 3

“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.” — Adam Smith (“The Wealth of Nations”, 1776)

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Jan 3·edited Jan 3

Selflessness is believing “the ends justify the means.” When you do not want an outcome (e.g., nuclear winter) to happen—so badly—that you justify any method to prevent it (e.g., hijack a rocket and fly suicide mission carrying a nuclear bomb into the sun!) you’re saying that your judgment is right and supersedes every other person’s opinion—including Dr. GRU’s.

Is there anything more selfless than that?

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