I’ve been a little inconsistent sending these out lately, but going to be more regular going forward. I like the idea of concept of “taste” that I talked about last issue. I’m planning on exploring how it shows up in life over the next few weeks.
📝 Writing of the Week:
I’ve been writing unpolished, around 100-word mini-essays. Just reflections on ideas from podcasts or things on the news. Here are the latest:
1️⃣ Do Things That Suck
2️⃣ Credibility
3️⃣ Losers
4️⃣ Ego and Decisions
🔍 Discoveries:
Louie Bacaj and I wrapped up our latest cohort of Newsletter Launchpad. There were a bunch of great newsletters that came out of it. Below is a sampling of a few of them. I believe that newsletters are the easiest way to go from consuming to creating. It’s the easiest way to express your creativity and develop your taste.
- writes about corporate innovation at2️⃣ - writes about open-source GitHub repositories at
3️⃣ - writes about his life learnings at
4️⃣ - writes about improving his life at
5️⃣ - writes about home automation at
6️⃣ - writes passion and art at
7️⃣ - writes about the stories that have impacted his life at
8️⃣ - writes about his life experiences at
9️⃣ - writes about creativity, fitness, and side hustles at 🔟 - writes about insights from life and books at
11. - shares his indiehacker journey at
12. - shares his journey growing a poker product at
13. - shares her journey and projects, including Unstuck in 15 at
14. - shares his attempts at becoming happier, healthier, and wiser at
💡 Idea of the Week:
So, a couple of weeks ago I said a cool idea would use AI to transform your voice. Well, Tony Dinh created an app to do just that!
💬 Quote of the Week:
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” - Albert Camus
🏴☠️ Something Fun:
If you love philosophy and The Princess Bride
You can find more of my writing at chr.iswong.com.
Questions, suggestions, complaints? Email me at [email protected].
Feedback welcome.
If you enjoyed this newsletter, please share it with a friend or two. And feel free to send anything you find interesting to me!
Leaving you in peace,
Hey Chris, happy new year!
Thank you for the shoutout and running the cohort.
Starting a newsletter was something I wanted to do since a long time and I'm so glad it finally happened in this cohort. Thank you for the support, feedback on my drafts and the encouragement.
Thank you so much for the shoutout Chris! I enjoyed the course. It has been incredibly helpful.