I'm not a kind person. But I can be kind.
Haha kindly efficient or efficiently kind made me laugh. I have the same problem any time my fiancé or mom shares something they are struggling with. I need to remind myself to stop trying to fix them and just shut up and listen.
I've also been exploring some of Paul Millerd's writing and podcasts. Any you recommend starting with?
Wow that is hard to do. You can pick almost anything that he's written or said and it's great.
Podcasts: Daniel Vassallo, Justin Moore, Hannah Frankman, Venkatesh Rao
His podcast guest appearance on Infinite Loops: https://www.infiniteloopspodcast.com/paul-millerd-the-pathless-path-ep112/
Amazing. Thank you Chris! I already listened to the Infinite Loops pod and it was great.
What a philosophically thought provoking piece! Made me wonder if "identity" is how other people perceive me or who I think I am or who I am intrinsically (or empirically).
Thinking about identity is our life's pursuit.
You might be interested in this: https://www.happinessofbeing.com/Nan_Yar.pdf
Haha kindly efficient or efficiently kind made me laugh. I have the same problem any time my fiancé or mom shares something they are struggling with. I need to remind myself to stop trying to fix them and just shut up and listen.
I've also been exploring some of Paul Millerd's writing and podcasts. Any you recommend starting with?
Wow that is hard to do. You can pick almost anything that he's written or said and it's great.
Podcasts: Daniel Vassallo, Justin Moore, Hannah Frankman, Venkatesh Rao
His podcast guest appearance on Infinite Loops: https://www.infiniteloopspodcast.com/paul-millerd-the-pathless-path-ep112/
Amazing. Thank you Chris! I already listened to the Infinite Loops pod and it was great.
What a philosophically thought provoking piece! Made me wonder if "identity" is how other people perceive me or who I think I am or who I am intrinsically (or empirically).
Thinking about identity is our life's pursuit.
You might be interested in this: https://www.happinessofbeing.com/Nan_Yar.pdf