Sitemap - 2022 - Unknown Unknowns

Trading Time for Money



Politicians Should Write

Doctors Should Write

🤯Unknown Unknowns #81 - Selfishly Abundant

Buying Climbing Shoes

Cheating the System

Applying 12 Favorite Questions to Twitter

Selfishly Abundant

PIE Writing

🤯Unknown Unknowns #80 - The Smartest Guy in the Room

Manufacturing Consent


Creator vs Traditional Economy


Audience Building

🤯Unknown Unknowns #79 - Frustration

The Smartest Guy in the Room

Wrestling with Abstraction

The American Health System

Fear of Feedback

The Two Types of People

🤯Unknown Unknowns #78 - The DGAF Arb

Stepping Stones

Illegible Ambition

🤯Unknown Unknowns #77 - Sacrifice at the Altar of Identity

🤯Unknown Unknowns #76 - Altruism for Who?

Unsought Permission

🤯Unknown Unknowns #75 - Gamification

🤯Unknown Unknowns #74 - Value Unicorns

🤯Unknown Unknowns #73 - In Vino Veritas

🤯Unknown Unknowns #72 - And We're Off!

🤯Unknown Unknowns #71 - Do You Know What You Think You Know?

🤯Unknown Unknowns #70 - Striving

🤯Unknown Unknowns #69 - Controlled by Stories

🤯Unknown Unknowns #68 - Philosophy and Football

🤯Unknown Unknowns #67 - The Dark Path of Incentives

🤯Unknown Unknowns #66 - Quiet Quitting

🤯Unknown Unknowns #65 - The Problem with Online Courses

🤯Unknown Unknowns #64 - Convincing Yourself You Won

🤯Unknown Unknowns #63 - Control

🤯Unknown Unknowns #62 - Sell Out!

🤯Unknown Unknowns #61 - Fighting Mimesis

🤯Unknown Unknowns #60 - Mythbusters

🤯Unknown Unknowns #59 - Captain Safety

🤯Unknown Unknowns #58 - Happy 4th!

🤯Unknown Unknowns #57 - The Problem with Goals

🤯Unknown Unknowns #56 - Challenge Accepted

🤯Unknown Unknowns #55 - Challenging Comfort

🤯Unknown Unknowns #54 - Learner's Mind

🤯Unknown Unknowns #53 - San Diego

🤯Unknown Unknowns #52 - Your Future

🤯Unknown Unknowns #51 - Context

🤯Unknown Unknowns #50 - Celebration!

🤯Unknown Unknowns #49 - Beta

🤯Unknown Unknowns #48 - Certainly Uncertain

How to Give Great Feedback

🤯Unknown Unknowns #47 - Prometheus

🤯Unknown Unknowns #46 - Write of Passage

🤯Unknown Unknowns #45 - Austin

🤯Unknown Unknowns #44 - Slack vs. Moloch

🤯Unknown Unknowns #43 - Let it Flow

🤯Unknown Unknowns #42 - Zen Jocko

🤯Unknown Unknowns #41 - The Pursuit of Abstract Ideas

🤯Unknown Unknowns #40 - Getting Comfortable with Uncertainty

🤯Unknown Unknowns #39 - Wordcels and Rhazzlekhan

🤯Unknown Unknowns #38 - Is Reality Real?

🤯Unknown Unknowns #37 - The Best Way

🤯Unknown Unknowns #36 - Blindspots

🤯Unknown Unknowns #35 - Pleasure in Unexpected Places

🤯Unknown Unknowns #34 - The Pathless Path

The Centenarian Compass